Resonance, Truth and Illusion
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Hi All.... as in the wonderment of finding the All that is in US.... and that we know is the All that is seeking to be as much as possible...with balance and reason.... and anyone remember how inductive/deductive thinking goes? A lost way of "hearing actively", of postulating and producing on-target responses...???? I will first say that I KNOW that I am very telepathic... having a serial killer (who has not even been found out) stare at you.... and 20 years later you hear some man has been arrested for a murder and you freeze (that would be ME freezing in place) the same way you did before... and they announce he has been charged with one murder.... but you KNOW he has killed 3 women and the police have no idea they have a serial killer.... but you do.... you (ME) knew he killed his wife years ago, yet you had never met him... only had been stared at by him in a most killing manner and with such evil that it freezes you. And so your life goes on, and you read people as easily as reading a first-grader's primer.... and then boom! Your life is full of so much knowing, synchronicities, etc.... and finaly in the 80's you meet a female friend who is into spirituality and thanks to a simple booked called "Are You Really too Sensitive?" it opens dialogue and together you find that you both are interested and connected to more than what "is"... And so, moving swiftly along, and almost always being the first person in any of my "groups" to experience things, I gain knowledge, more insight.... and get more "separated" [this is the word that I want/hope to hear discussion on... as the New Agers are aghast that the word separation be used!] as more and more I am with people who are constricted, short-sighted, programmed, etc. etc. and I become more alone. And I take on more risks with no support systems in place... and to this day, no support systems exist for me, except.... yes.... working on gaining a feeling of more stability with all that is invisible but very much hanging out there to get in tune with... Well, I am disabled; knew what my condition was back in the 80's as I underwent education as an Occupational Therapist (Balance and Function are two words that best describe what we do in working with the categories of Mental Illness, Physical Rehab, and Community Service). Again, it as a KNOWING that while the description did not fit exactly, it registered with me, that I had found a truth. Moving forward so that I get to my Channelling title.... My "problem" for all these years has been with the imbalance and dysfunction of New Agers, Light Workers, etc. that have taken money for treatments and cures that over and over again have proven not to be effective in tx, much less cure, of all that ails me. Enter discovery of a rare pituitary tumor, 3X the size it should be, and only a pencil width away from where my optic nerve and brain stem are. I have had the best psychic counselor that one culd hope to have, in my opinion, been to teh best acupuncturist who did her Master's Degree on Migraines and has a daughter with migraines who she treats successfully..... and after 3 sessions with this great woman, she came to the conclusion that her acupuncture/txs for migraine are not working for me because of the pituitary. I have Multiple Chemical Sensitiviies, such that with the Earth Changes, Pole Shifts, etc. and body realignments spoken of (and physically experienced by me ad nauseum.... as is the case with other psychics.... we get hit harder and longer because of how our bodies/brains are) and I ended up feeling that despite my spirituality and working to raise my vibration and frequency that I was in a circle and with no way to extricate myself (remember.. no support system and me not fitting in with the 3D unconscious folk and a gov't that is trying to kill us all) that i went with a Light Worker who is obviously very intelligent and channels through the Shiny Ones, who she says knows everything about me. They are The Source. Well.... I got slimed. No answer re: my pituitary, any mention I made re: that i did allow for some positive things to happen, etc. .... all got ignored. Instead, this "Source" who, if it truly does know me, would know that its response to my honest inquiry does not fit into my 3D body and the inability to handle that much stress on top of all the environmental stress that my body was already not able to deal with. I found myself thinking of how this Channelling was so much like that of when I was 20 and a Catholic.... and literally told the Universe/Catholic God, that I was done with living such a tightwire walk of always feeling that I was in venial sin... and more likely mortal sin and was going to hell.... that so be it! I give up! I'm going to hell, however, I am done done done with living such a fearful life. And this was my feeling after reading what this person channelled back to me. Now, this person is, I believe, a good person. She is dogmatic in what she does. She is a former teacher, and in listening to her spot on an internet radio site, she is really kicking everyone's butt and telling us how we need to hurry up as the "funnel" toward Ascension is narrowing, etc. etc. And I think... hmmmm... sure sounds fear-based to me. And it gets back to what (I risk saying this as I am in agreement that we all need to look at, examine areas in which we are uncomfortable, or stubborn, etc.) take what you need and leave the rest. This last part is where I have finally come to... but it has literally been physically painful to have to deal with "her" channelling and a message that does not appear to come from a loving place at all!!!! Also, getting nailed for being alone, and it being my fault, is one that i do rail against. If one has a frequency/vibration that does not match those that are on their own path, albeit a most unconscious one in being or wanting to be enlightened.... then yeah, I'm not going to probably attract those people to me, or if they do come to me, the "relationships" just don't happen or don't stay happening for very long. Dredging up my past as a kid that got neglected and that my masculine energy needs to be changed to a more feminine one... etc. is all just too convenient... too psychology/New Age 101. And so, I stopped listening to this woman's program on the internet station, where there are many other lightworkers.... and with some of the others, they are incredible in giving the listener credit and acknowledgement that they are doing well... that the path is tough, and giving tools and doing guided meditations, etc. I found this website through this internet radio station and I AM SO GRATEFUL... THIS THIS PARTICULAR NEW AGE/DISCUSSION OF OTHER WAYS OF THINKING/OF ENLIGHTENMENT, ETC. IS INVALUABLE. Bottom line is that I DO KNOW THAT I AM MORE THAN JUST A HUMAN BODY.... AND HAVE FOR A LONG TIME. While I am not looking for some form of public validity, I strongly think that those Light Workers, Channelers, etc. are seen as being in a higher tier than, for instance, me. I do not see aura's... but I sure was successful in calling space crafts to appear and upon request, do things with their lights, with blinking through deep clouds, etc. I made up my mind that I wanted to connect with them, and I did. No official classes, etc. I am so grateful for this forum because this channelling episode has really upset me and it upsetting me, really got to me in such an unhealthy way. And probably even more so, because the woman channeller is a good, positive person... but one who is so determined that no one has a "right" to have limitations is absurd! I do believe in self-healing... however, in much that I have read, and people who I consider Masters and have experienced self-healing, are, right now, being hit with the very 3D of Chemtrails.... and Wikileaks revealed that my diseases are under the name of macroplasm, and affects everyone differently, and gives FINALLY!!! some tests that our 3D doctors can do. The "problem" is that this is a leaked document which the CDC, etc. deliberately the printed out information I have is not in the nice neat, doctor-friendly article... it is more in the win/lose? form of will my doctor accept its validity and will he agree to do what is suggested... because we know that the doctors do NOT HAVE THIS INFORMATION.
For anyone wishing to answer how they are dealing spiritually with disability and diseases/syndromes for which there is no cure, and they have not found a way to cure themselves.... or found a Master who can truly cure them... I'd like to hear something other than the New Age Shuffle about... well.... you chose this as your path when you reincarnated.... or well, you CAN heal yourself you know..its all in your mindset.... etc. etc. What I have is in and of itself ONE OF GREAT DENIAL.... by regular medical, and by New Agers with their stone/crystal work that does not work, to Channellers who place blame on the human form for not being God and resolving it all themselves. Are we not supposed to be humane, loving, not of separation (cause is someone thinks that this bundle of sh..t that has been going on and on is beyond enlightenment by the very ones who choose to disregard it, debunk it, etc., then who can say they are truly enlightened regarding mankind?) I believe that in all I have read so far in this category, that there is a dirth of how to deal with Those who Think They Can Insist that an individual is wrong when something is immoveable for them.... for the time/people find it handy to be dismissive. A term that has gone out of favor, but I think does need to be revisited as it relates to enlightenment.... is are you "blaming the victim"? Can a person be on a very enlightened path, but still need to be on prescription meds, in need of treatment (and is active in trying to find it).... 'cause there are too many that just think if you will it, it will happen. Maybe it's not supposed to happen. Maybe you are supposed to ascend with crutches and painkillers clutched in your hands and that your vibration and frequency lie in that part of you apart from the vibration and frequency of disability or chronically ill????!!!! Looking forward to someone who has a grip on reality in the human body.... for the now part.
For anyone wishing to answer how they are dealing spiritually with disability and diseases/syndromes for which there is no cure, and they have not found a way to cure themselves.... or found a Master who can truly cure them... I'd like to hear something other than the New Age Shuffle about... well.... you chose this as your path when you reincarnated.... or well, you CAN heal yourself you know..its all in your mindset.... etc. etc. What I have is in and of itself ONE OF GREAT DENIAL.... by regular medical, and by New Agers with their stone/crystal work that does not work, to Channellers who place blame on the human form for not being God and resolving it all themselves. Are we not supposed to be humane, loving, not of separation (cause is someone thinks that this bundle of sh..t that has been going on and on is beyond enlightenment by the very ones who choose to disregard it, debunk it, etc., then who can say they are truly enlightened regarding mankind?) I believe that in all I have read so far in this category, that there is a dirth of how to deal with Those who Think They Can Insist that an individual is wrong when something is immoveable for them.... for the time/people find it handy to be dismissive. A term that has gone out of favor, but I think does need to be revisited as it relates to enlightenment.... is are you "blaming the victim"? Can a person be on a very enlightened path, but still need to be on prescription meds, in need of treatment (and is active in trying to find it).... 'cause there are too many that just think if you will it, it will happen. Maybe it's not supposed to happen. Maybe you are supposed to ascend with crutches and painkillers clutched in your hands and that your vibration and frequency lie in that part of you apart from the vibration and frequency of disability or chronically ill????!!!! Looking forward to someone who has a grip on reality in the human body.... for the now part.
sultrysoul- Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-02-03
Re: Resonance, Truth and Illusion
I understand Wittgenstein as saying that the question, "What is truth." is too vague. If you take the question at face value, the answer is that truth is a word and it is defined quite well in a Webster dictionary. Words are defined by synonyms, but the word is not the synonyms. The synonyms define the word by being around the word you are defining, sort of like the area of a circle is defined by the line around it, but it is not the line. In a way, what isn't, defines or outlines what is. Something is something in relation to nothing. There is no need to condemn nothing, because it is not something, especially since everything we know of seems to come out of nothing.
Maybe another way of putting it is that everything I know about new age has come from people explaining it, and everything they said wasn't wrong. I learned much from them, taking the best and leaving the rest, like most people do.
An opposite example is a principle that is true. It can be absolutely true, but not applicable in every situation or so marginal as to be nearly negligible. Certain truths are more immediately relative to our purposes than others or truth is relative, in that sense at least.
Another way of saying it is that I need all words and ideas I have to describe the world, so I don't throw any out or build a wall in my mind, only speed bumps. If someone mentions a new age idea, I don't want to close them down immediately and stop listening to them.
That may not seem to be a problem, but anything overdone or underdone seems to lead to problems. I always had the problem of getting mad, say at an insult, and my thinking closed down. Alice Bailey said, in essence, that we will have to live in our right brain or you might say in our intuition. In the right brain, though, we may have to intuit the left brain. Even beyond that, the whole left/right brained thing is only a model, that has so many exceptions and so much more to it that it becomes almost unrecognizable as a model, after a while, but it is still useful, like a simple map to your house will change over time and is unrecognizable to some people anyway, and it's certainly not a topographical one, I would guess. It probably isn't much use in getting to your city either. If nothing else it's painful listing all the faults in something, after a point. As my Mom would say, touch on it with a grace note.
There, I guess you are tired of the subject now, if you weren't before. I had an unrelated thought though. There are plenty of other free ones out there and maybe even better, but, if anyone is interested, has a good free spell checker that automatically checks your spelling on the web as you/I type.
I hope someone can get something out of all that, even if the main idea seems, or is, wrong.
Maybe another way of putting it is that everything I know about new age has come from people explaining it, and everything they said wasn't wrong. I learned much from them, taking the best and leaving the rest, like most people do.
An opposite example is a principle that is true. It can be absolutely true, but not applicable in every situation or so marginal as to be nearly negligible. Certain truths are more immediately relative to our purposes than others or truth is relative, in that sense at least.
Another way of saying it is that I need all words and ideas I have to describe the world, so I don't throw any out or build a wall in my mind, only speed bumps. If someone mentions a new age idea, I don't want to close them down immediately and stop listening to them.
That may not seem to be a problem, but anything overdone or underdone seems to lead to problems. I always had the problem of getting mad, say at an insult, and my thinking closed down. Alice Bailey said, in essence, that we will have to live in our right brain or you might say in our intuition. In the right brain, though, we may have to intuit the left brain. Even beyond that, the whole left/right brained thing is only a model, that has so many exceptions and so much more to it that it becomes almost unrecognizable as a model, after a while, but it is still useful, like a simple map to your house will change over time and is unrecognizable to some people anyway, and it's certainly not a topographical one, I would guess. It probably isn't much use in getting to your city either. If nothing else it's painful listing all the faults in something, after a point. As my Mom would say, touch on it with a grace note.
There, I guess you are tired of the subject now, if you weren't before. I had an unrelated thought though. There are plenty of other free ones out there and maybe even better, but, if anyone is interested, has a good free spell checker that automatically checks your spelling on the web as you/I type.
I hope someone can get something out of all that, even if the main idea seems, or is, wrong.
I hear all of you and I am glad that you are all able to see through the illusion with so much clarity but what I'm struggling to understand is where your 'journey within' is taking you... A holographic illusion by it's very nature must have manipulators and 'them' and 'us' forces. Alluding constantly to those who 'conspire to keep us imprisoned' seems to be stating the obvious. They too are imprisoned and are not gaining anything except more of the illusion - let them have it I say.
Unless you are all saying there is a Great Unifying Force that we are ALL ultimately a part of (conspirators, manipulators and potential/supposed victims from all levels and dimensions - wherever THEY are) and it has no purpose except experiencing Itself then I'm not sure what there is to gain from 'waking up from the 'matrix'' (yet another words that is meaningless to me now)
Unless you are all saying there is a Great Unifying Force that we are ALL ultimately a part of (conspirators, manipulators and potential/supposed victims from all levels and dimensions - wherever THEY are) and it has no purpose except experiencing Itself then I'm not sure what there is to gain from 'waking up from the 'matrix'' (yet another words that is meaningless to me now)
Intrigued- Posts : 3
Join date : 2010-04-16
Amen to that! Resonance Truth and Illusion
Hi Michelle,
I have been wanting to respond to your post but linear time just seem to move lightning fast in my world. Great post yes the New Age movement was definitely a spring board, I dabbled myself but always stood more on the outside looking in. I just wasn't feeling the Ascended Master hype but of course I could not say it back then...I was not solid enough in my knowing to speak up and of course everyone around who called them self a Light worker was steeped in this Ascended master experience. I came out the closet (lol) about this maybe almost 10 years ago but no body knew who I was so I did not get beat up about it lol. I posted an article about it on my website and eventually mentioned it in my book.
But nothing hit the fan like this article I did recently (Enough with this Blissed out Agenda) ...and the article got posted on Spirit Library of all places because the website is almost 100% channeled information. Not everyone was riled up but I would say a good portion. The thing is that I never said that channeling did not have its place for those who still need this but man its as if they did not read that part of it.
I never called myself a Light worker...there was something about being categorized as a light worker that did not resonate with me. I used to say light workers working in the dark, but that's not it either because working in the dark is really what it is all about...the Void...the nothingness of existence from where all springs forth. The light under which light workers were being navigated to me was the light of death. It is why much talk of going towards the light became such a huge concept in the past 20/30 years or more. Here is a quote from my writing- this was information I shared in the Hacking the Mind webinar
Yes it is all interesting and many will be upset with this assessment and indeed this might not be there experience perhaps they do need to go towards the light. I don't at least not that concept of the light!
I have been wanting to respond to your post but linear time just seem to move lightning fast in my world. Great post yes the New Age movement was definitely a spring board, I dabbled myself but always stood more on the outside looking in. I just wasn't feeling the Ascended Master hype but of course I could not say it back then...I was not solid enough in my knowing to speak up and of course everyone around who called them self a Light worker was steeped in this Ascended master experience. I came out the closet (lol) about this maybe almost 10 years ago but no body knew who I was so I did not get beat up about it lol. I posted an article about it on my website and eventually mentioned it in my book.
But nothing hit the fan like this article I did recently (Enough with this Blissed out Agenda) ...and the article got posted on Spirit Library of all places because the website is almost 100% channeled information. Not everyone was riled up but I would say a good portion. The thing is that I never said that channeling did not have its place for those who still need this but man its as if they did not read that part of it.
I never called myself a Light worker...there was something about being categorized as a light worker that did not resonate with me. I used to say light workers working in the dark, but that's not it either because working in the dark is really what it is all about...the Void...the nothingness of existence from where all springs forth. The light under which light workers were being navigated to me was the light of death. It is why much talk of going towards the light became such a huge concept in the past 20/30 years or more. Here is a quote from my writing- this was information I shared in the Hacking the Mind webinar
Encountering the light is actually a program which sets a boundary for the conscious which is still overshadowed by the human program (although the body is left behind we still hold a great degree of “memory” of the third dimensions functions and limitations…individuals continue to believe that this is what they are… so it becomes very easy to be distracted or redirected by this program seen as the light…instead this light program recodes the individual according to the record or history held by the individual. [quote]"
Yes it is all interesting and many will be upset with this assessment and indeed this might not be there experience perhaps they do need to go towards the light. I don't at least not that concept of the light!
Re: Resonance, Truth and Illusion
Hey, Sonia and ALL:
I recently came across Sonia's articles and feel that she expresses my current level of understanding. I don't read much spiritual stuff any more; it just wasn't getting me anywhere. I do, however, enjoy reading about others' experiences. Goodness, the years spent looking for validation in messages for lightworkers!!! The few lightworkers [LW] I knew in the flesh have virtually dropped out of my reality.
I remember saying to one LW friend that you just can't push enlightenment [whatever that means], that different levels of understanding will come when one is ready to accept a certain truth. And where does one get that? From life in the game, with all its messy situations and occasional high times. When I have more time to focus on the telling, I'll share some of my life path here at the forum....All I'll say for now is that I must have been very ambitious prior to landing here!
What's/Who's left to play with me?......Well, my son is a good game player [sometimes too good] and various family members come in and out of focus. One interesting aspect is that new thinking/understanding brings new characters into my life. And the most wonderful thing of all, new opportunities.
Back to the new age info, I'm in agreement that much of this info does serve a purpose, just as negative life situations do, or did. They were a springboard for me to change my thought process. It forced me to uncover many truths about how we are enslaved. I maintained a forum were I posted information on our monetary system, government, education, legislation, religion, all and more of the things Sonia has put up for inquiry. It used to irritate me that so many LWs did not take more time to educate themselves on these things.....Heck, they were being promised truckloads of money in their future and what couldn't be changed in government and the environment would be rescued by their space brothers. I never could or did buy into any of that.
I slowly attempted to add spiritual stuff into my forum.....and yes, I was using channeled material , but had quite a shock when I realized that the Ascended Masters were Self Serving Masters! Once I made that break, shit really hit the fan. All the messy emotional entaglements in my life came up for review. I even created a new romantic[?!] challenge which was, by far, the craziest I've ever, ever been in. There were no messages to get me out of this one, none to explain why I engaged in such a dangerous dance......I had to start asking just what was it about myself that had drawn this relationship to me. It would have been so easy to explain it away by saying that he was steeped in the 3D world and its attitudes/attributes.
To go within; there's the new frontier! But it does require determination and focus and the williness to examine one's own motives and to quit laying blame on others for your experiences. I'm pretty much there as far as the government and the environment are concerned too.
the Apostate
I recently came across Sonia's articles and feel that she expresses my current level of understanding. I don't read much spiritual stuff any more; it just wasn't getting me anywhere. I do, however, enjoy reading about others' experiences. Goodness, the years spent looking for validation in messages for lightworkers!!! The few lightworkers [LW] I knew in the flesh have virtually dropped out of my reality.
I remember saying to one LW friend that you just can't push enlightenment [whatever that means], that different levels of understanding will come when one is ready to accept a certain truth. And where does one get that? From life in the game, with all its messy situations and occasional high times. When I have more time to focus on the telling, I'll share some of my life path here at the forum....All I'll say for now is that I must have been very ambitious prior to landing here!
What's/Who's left to play with me?......Well, my son is a good game player [sometimes too good] and various family members come in and out of focus. One interesting aspect is that new thinking/understanding brings new characters into my life. And the most wonderful thing of all, new opportunities.
Back to the new age info, I'm in agreement that much of this info does serve a purpose, just as negative life situations do, or did. They were a springboard for me to change my thought process. It forced me to uncover many truths about how we are enslaved. I maintained a forum were I posted information on our monetary system, government, education, legislation, religion, all and more of the things Sonia has put up for inquiry. It used to irritate me that so many LWs did not take more time to educate themselves on these things.....Heck, they were being promised truckloads of money in their future and what couldn't be changed in government and the environment would be rescued by their space brothers. I never could or did buy into any of that.
I slowly attempted to add spiritual stuff into my forum.....and yes, I was using channeled material , but had quite a shock when I realized that the Ascended Masters were Self Serving Masters! Once I made that break, shit really hit the fan. All the messy emotional entaglements in my life came up for review. I even created a new romantic[?!] challenge which was, by far, the craziest I've ever, ever been in. There were no messages to get me out of this one, none to explain why I engaged in such a dangerous dance......I had to start asking just what was it about myself that had drawn this relationship to me. It would have been so easy to explain it away by saying that he was steeped in the 3D world and its attitudes/attributes.
To go within; there's the new frontier! But it does require determination and focus and the williness to examine one's own motives and to quit laying blame on others for your experiences. I'm pretty much there as far as the government and the environment are concerned too.
the Apostate
Michelle- Posts : 2
Join date : 2010-04-08
Re:Elizabeth Clare Prophet and the New Age Movement
Hi andredafonseca, Welcome aboard and great post. Yes as I have said before its really great to see that many others are awakening to this great deception although this deception like all others serve their purpose. You, myself and others have however awakened to discover our true divinity. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. Yes I remember in the 90's many people were really into Elizabeth C Prophet. It became a religion. This was followed by a spiraling of channeled books which people really began to surrender to. Absolutely no one can do this journey for you, now one can discover your spiritual freedom for you but you. However they can certainly provide us with the distractions to keep us from engaging in selfawareness and profound awakening. But its all part the game essential for those who signed up for the experience. But for those who are ready to see through the veils of distraction well here we are!
Saint German was really big back in the 90's as well then it switched to Archangel Michael, then Kryon and a number of others. Lord Maitreya is the next character along with Sanat Kamura, and it goes on and on. But quite honestly it all exists and will swallow those who surrender their power to outside forces. It all becomes real then. What an adventure!
We can always trust another person to do it, but an "umbrela" will not protect us from a storm. And the times we are living in this world right now are stormy enough.
Saint German was really big back in the 90's as well then it switched to Archangel Michael, then Kryon and a number of others. Lord Maitreya is the next character along with Sanat Kamura, and it goes on and on. But quite honestly it all exists and will swallow those who surrender their power to outside forces. It all becomes real then. What an adventure!
Elisabeth Clare Prophet And The New Age Deception
Greetings everyone! I come in peace! And I have a lot to share. Until so far I am agreeing with I am reading here in regards to the analysis of the New Age Movement. I would like to share with you, if I may, an episode of my life. A deep spiritual experience changed my life when I had first contact with the workings of Elisabeth Clare Prophet. I always found my self to be an atheist and a scientific man, in regards to belief systems, until a friend of mine, that I have met in 2003, called by the name of X, told me that someone told him that in 2012 an event would take place and that not everyone would survive that event, except for the "healthy" and "wealthy" masses of people. He also heard that the modern man, if it is to survive 2012, must learn how to live first in a primitive way. It has to learn everything from the beggining again. So this content alone made me grow thought on the matter alone, without reading related material until in 2007 I came across with the Hopi message on Youtube, wich confirmed what X had told me. One day I found the work of Elisabeth Clare Prophet in wich she talks about the Great Brotherhood of Light and the Ascended Masters. I got drunk with that work. My curiosity raised me in such a way that made me work with my instincts in a totaly different prespective from what I was used to. I tasted the process of ascencion. I could, for a brief moment, for example, evoke the image of christ, standing alone in his altar, and speak directly into him, and I did! I looked directly into his eyes. He was made of luminous energy, invisible, vibrating at a high speed, everywhere. Knowing no time nor space, but had the most empty expression I could ever think of in his face. Loneliness and desperation was the expression in his eyes. I had my first sleep parasisys experience during this time. I felt asleep sub-consciously hearing TV. Sudently I heard the sound that was coming out from the television at a very high volume like a very strange synthesized sound effect that I thought it had the pourpose to hold me in place, during the sleep paralysis. I thought that the paralisys was a spell from someone, related to the ascended masters. And that that someone was using some kind of sound technology to hold me in place. As I was held in place, I could not even move my head. A series of suggestive pictures started to flash before me. All the creative work I am more passionate to develop was shown before my eyes, until finaly I was invited to write and to work with "them". I told the unseen, but present consciousness, that all I just wanted was to love what they did and that I did not wanted to have anything to do with them, that I was just cursious. By thinking this, I got my freedom again. I started regaining my body movement. I realized then that all I wanted in life was to love. Thats all I ever asked from people, to let me love. Love was already here, immesurable in his abundance, free for all. By loving you are loved. You only love because you are loved, and every body is loved. I drunk love and my body started to move again. I do not need to associate myself with someone in regards to the inner journey that I may have to take, that's a one man's work only, and it can not be done by no one else but him. We can always trust another person to do it, but an "umbrela" will not protect us from a storm. And the times we are living in this world right now are stormy enough. I saw, recently, a Youtube clip starting Elisabeth Clare Prophet and the historical evidences of the existence of an immortal man who got by the name of Saint Germain. I found the activity she develops to be similar to christianism in ethics, but that instead of worshiping a figure of a man being pierced by nails, stucked into a wooden cross full of human blood, they were worshiping a portrait of a suposed immortal man. Well, as for an art piece is slightly more pleasent at sight, but the spiritual content of it is very closely related to christianism, buddism and all the other "isms". Defenitly there is nothing new in regards to the "new" age. I found it to be the "all in one religion/solution" but not very much of a religion nor a solution in it self. After this episode I have never called another spiritual entity into existence by believing it to be real. We are the ones who are creating our own reality. And the powers hidden in our minds to define reality are truly out of proportions. These enteties, like any god or demon, are products of the mind. The mind, believing them to be real manifests them as real. If we chose what is real and what is not I chose to chose what is real and what is not by understanding reality in the practice of a common sense. Sometimes there is an extreme emotional interdependence on these creations of ours, for once in contact with them the emotional outflow of our energectic body tends to be very elevated and strong feelings arise, wearing out our emotions, and weakening our bodies. I found emotional stability to be a very efficient way to render our energetic flow without compromising our health. Maybe this can help someone who is passing through a similar experience. I hope I got focused on the main subject. I am very glad I found out about Spirit In Form, wich I see and listen regulary by the way. Thank you so much Sonia, and all the other ones who are making it real, it is realy helping! It brought much clarity to the mind. Keep it real!
Re: Resonance, Truth and Illusion
Admin wrote:What I have come to observe is that there is a select group of players (well known characters) paraded continuously before the world disseminating much of this feel good, fluff. Its a little click of individuals. I personally do not use the term "lightworker" in reference to myself as its evident that most of these so termed "lightworkers" are working in the dark and which light are they in alignment with!
Yeah, there are the usual suspects. I don't like to use the word "lightworker" either, because its meaning has been corrupted, just like "love" and "god".
Some of the key players spread Disinfo deliberately in order to distract. I wouldn't be surprised of some of them are Cointelpro/Agents. It's nothing new. In the 60's there were many "enlightened agents" infiltrating groups and movements in order to distract and manipulate. Others just have big egos and driven to make $$ by selling washed down spiritual half-truths. Let's not forget the NAM is a billion dollar industry these days and it is filled with charlatans ripping off people who are desperate to find answers and spiritual fulfillment. Others again have a good intent and don't mean to spread disinfo in purpose, but have not "done their homework" or enough self-work to truly discern lies from truth, hence they become "useful idiots" who serve the Matrix more than anything else and as the saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Many folks try to present solutions and help prematurely without seeing the bigger picture or even understanding their own "machine" and programming.
Admin wrote:I have heard countless stories of people being charged various amounts for the promise of numerous levels of spiritual enlightenment, from DNA activation, clearing chackras, promise of ascension, Holy spirit blessing, past life regression, love and money etc; paying thousands of dollars. On the other hand they are supplying each other with the appropriate experience so I am merely pointing this out for anyone who might be in contemplation of such experiences in their life.
It's all a learning process. The danger with the New Age business is that people actually believe to have found truth when in fact it is just another lie they are being sold, merely the idea that they need outside help(saviorism).
"Illusion, thinking it is reality, takes reality for illusion"
Admin wrote:In all fairness the NAM provided an energy of potential spiritual shifts regardless of its creation by opposing forces as a path of misdirection but like all things there are two sides to a coin. We have an opportunity and an ability to extract a level of knowledge which can be applied to our evolution if we so choose to look beyond the packaged concepts being handed to us.
True that. Don't want to throw out the baby with the bathwater. As an old Zen saying goes: "Truth and Lies are mixed like Water and Milk. To find truth one needs to separate the milk from the water." In other words, discernment is key and there can be no discernment if there is no honest self-work. The devil, as always, is in the detail. There is even much truth in the Bible for the ones who know how to read it and understand the symbolism. In that sense deeper esoteric Knowledge has its own protection mechanism. It hides out in plain sight but is only accessible to the ones who are "tuned" to understand it. Similar for some of the New Age stuff, just like religion, there is truth in it, but one needs to be very discerning and watch for typical traps and distortions. Deception is the name of the game and these are the lessons to be learned.
Admin wrote:I have also ran into a number of people that regurgitate the same statements of this big shift for everyone in 2012 so be prepared. Its as if everyone is expected to suddenly become super charged with enlightenment. In the mean time we have a system in place that is stepping up technology in a manner which will continue to sustain and simplify the process of enslavement. From holographic projections to mind interception via brain wave alterations. When one is so far removed from selfawareness and dependent on third parties for full guidance, these are the individuals who are ripe for this kind of interception as the vibration of the consciousness will be so low that these outside interceptions will easily take over. Indeed there is nothing out there however these things will occur according to the perception and reality being stabilized by the individual.
Precisely. Yet at the beginning as one crosses the threshold and needs to confront oneself as one is, including all the lies and Self-deception, help is being offered to the sincere seeker. There are always assisting forces to guide through the maze, if we truly make an effort to listen and receive Knowledge. At the beginning the seeker is too weak and he can't even trust himself, for his "machine" is broken. He then naturally turns to "third party" help, be it in form of a teacher, book, teaching or divination. He then has to be very discerning, for there are other forces who like to pull him back too sleep, back into the matrix. There are "A" influnces who keep man in the matrix and here are "B" influneces that show man the way "out".
As the saying goes, the teacher appears when the student is ready, be it in whatever form. However, there should never be a dependency on any outside "help". True assisting forces show the seeker the door, but he has to walk through it himself. They can advice and give clues. They even tell him things he doesn't want to hear, for they are not interested in stroking his ego or fulfilling his desires. However, all the reading, gaining Knowledge, channeling, contemplating and meditating is useless if it is not applied. The aim of Ascension is to become Self-Sovereign, grounded in one's true self and shed from the false conditioned/programmed personality.
Lost in a forest full of wild beasts, moved by confused but deep feelings, a bewildered
man searches for the way. Exhausted after running the gauntlet of a thousand
dangers, he emerges at the edge.
Spread out before him is a view which fills him with admiration mixed with fear: a
great castle of primitive beauty is on the other side of a large moat filled with clear
and living water. Behind the castle a happy valley opens out, lit by the last rays of the
sun. To the left, a dark reddish horizon warns of a coming storm.
Marvelling, and seized by a passionate desire to reach the castle, he forgets the
dangers and fatigue to which he has been exposed.
'How do I get there?' He asks himself.
Suddenly he hears a Voice speaking to him from his inmost heart.
'The moat', it says, 'can only be crossed by swimming... the current is strong and
the water icy.'
In spite of this, the man feels a surge of new strength mounting within him.
Committed, he throws himself into the moat. The cold paralyses his breathing,
but by an extreme effort of will he reaches the other side in a few strokes and jumps
onto the first step of the stairs, where he gets a foothold.
Three more immense granite steps tower above him.
They lead to a large stage in the form of a semicircle, defended by two towers.
Two closed doors give access to them.
A roaring sound comes to his ears. The man turns. At the place where he stood
only instants before, a pack of wolves paw at the ground.
The day is coming to an end. In the dusk he can still distinguish the blazing eyes of
the hungry beasts.
Again he hears the Voice telling him:
'All in all, the risk was not that great. If you had refused, you would have been
torn to shreds by the wolves.'
Terrified by his escape from that danger, the man estimates the difficulties that will
accompany his climb.
He had hardly started to climb the second step when a deluge of rain falls, making
the stones slippery and obstructing his movement — yet he ends by getting a foothold.
The storm passes and the rain diminishes. His face and clothes drip heavily
onto the stone.
'Little does it matter,' says the Voice, 'you had already got wet crossing the moat'.
The man regains his breath again and starts climbing. Night falls, and the crescent
of the new moon appears pale and golden on his right, towards the setting sun.
'A good sign,' he hears within himself.
The man smiles. Now he clings to a tiny ledge, reaching for the third step. He
reaches it, hands and legs stained with blood. No sooner had he stood up than a gust
of glacial wind almost throws him off again. Clinging to the ground, he climbs up to
the wall forming the fourth step, and finds shelter there.
'That is not all,' says the Voice. Do not waste time taking shelter. The step can
split, and then the earth will swallow you up.'
His resistance to the storm, instead of exhausting him, redoubles his strength.
Now he climbs the fourth step with little difficulty, although it is as high as the
preceding ones.
Standing, he hears an alarm trumpet like thunder. Suddenly, a scorching wind
strikes him in the face. He lifts his eyes. In the obscurity of the night, a shining
figure stands to attention before him: It is the Guardian, clad in armour and shining
helmet, arms outstretched, a blazing sword in his hand and pointed towards the man.
'Who are you, pilgrim?' he asks. 'To what end and in whose name have you
passed these obstacles and climbed the steps of paradise?'
Overcome by a surge of ineffable joy, the man repeats in a loud voice the words he
has just heard in the depth of his heart. He feels as if they are now his, and answers
the Guardian with courage.
'I am the Soul in search of divine happiness; a particle aspiring to unite with the Creative Principle 'I'
'Your answer is correct', replies the Guardian.
The door to the tower on the right opens. The sword returns to its sheath. The
Guardian takes the man by the hand and leads him across the threshold of the open door...
Dawn gilds the eastern sky. Precursor of the Sun, the morning Star shines above the happy Valley.
New Age review
I am so, so excited to address this topic. Thank you sooo much! What's interesting is that I have come across a number of people who have silently had questions and concerns about what they have been programmed with in regards to their New Age beliefs. There are a few people who have began to question it but a bit scared to mention those concerns for fear of being exiled or ridiculed. So once individuals like you or myself come along and fearlessly state the obvious others are then encouraged to face the concerns they have been feeling. This is a really great thing!
What I have come to observe is that there is a select group of players (well known characters) paraded continuously before the world disseminating much of this feel good, fluff. Its a little click of individuals. I personally do not use the term "lightworker" in reference to myself as its evident that most of these so termed "lightworkers" are working in the dark and which light are they in alignment with!
What has also happened is that psychic readings became big business along with guruism. I used to do readings a number of years ago but I ended it because I did not want others hanging on to my so termed predictions and stabilizing it into there reality but rather I would like others to begin to learn to tap into their own knowingness. Another aspect of this challenge is that many people have now developed an income from all of the latest New Age hype. I have heard countless stories of people being charged various amounts for the promise of numerous levels of spiritual enlightenment, from DNA activation, clearing chackras, promise of ascension, Holy spirit blessing, past life regression, love and money etc; paying thousands of dollars. On the other hand they are supplying each other with the appropriate experience so I am merely pointing this out for anyone who might be in contemplation of such experiences in their life.
In all fairness the NAM provided an energy of potential spiritual shifts regardless of its creation by opposing forces as a path of misdirection but like all things there are two sides to a coin. We have an opportunity and an ability to extract a level of knowledge which can be applied to our evolution if we so choose to look beyond the packaged concepts being handed to us.
I have also ran into a number of people that regurgitate the same statements of this big shift for everyone in 2012 so be prepared. Its as if everyone is expected to suddenly become super charged with enlightenment. In the mean time we have a system in place that is stepping up technology in a manner which will continue to sustain and simplify the process of enslavement. From holographic projections to mind interception via brain wave alterations. When one is so far removed from selfawareness and dependent on third parties for full guidance, these are the individuals who are ripe for this kind of interception as the vibration of the consciousness will be so low that these outside interceptions will easily take over. Indeed there is nothing out there however these things will occur according to the perception and reality being stabilized by the individual.
You are correct! We can examine this simply based on what scientists are understanding about the nature of reality. What we are dealing with is a layering of realities, one on top of the other or the wheel within a wheel principle. What we determine as reality is indeed based on our perception and our perception is based on our consciousness/awareness so it would only seem to make sense that when the brain is minimally engaged we are only always experiencing and seeing reality according to our perception or what we can accept as a possibility. This then becomes a reflection of the vibration of ones consciousness. You can only exist in a space or realm according to the vibration of your consciousness which equates to the level of awareness at which one is vibrating. It is then clear why opposing forces would engage in supporting the limitation of many humans. It is a race for the return to ones "godself" or an awareness of who you are and the power you hold.
If everyone were to suddenly engage in this kind of awakening it would affect the entire game here and outside of here, the entire show/play/theater however we choose to refer to it; it is all of those things. (also understand that each one of us is operating on different agendas and must fulfill those obligations to the agenda what ever that may be) It is the reason why many have passed themselves off as gods to the human race ensuring that we as human beings do not for one moment remember our equality in power. So hence the church and various religions call it sacrilege to make such statements that you are "a god" "god", "creator", "source". You must then have a third party be responsible for your soul! Hence you wait for a Messiah, Lord Maitreya, Jesus, Sanada etc. (Elizabeth Clair Profit helped AAM along quite well!) To what end people! to what end! wake up and smell the joke!!
Ye are Gods! (no offense in using the word god+ I use it because it is this word that has controlled the human race ) Ye are creators!
Yes, yes! Very well said. A lot of people (a.k.a. New Agers) will be disappointed when 12/21/2012 comes around. Ascension is not what most people think it is, nor is it about "bathing" in the Photon Belt and thinking pretty things or just "manifesting one's dreams and desires"(question is where do the desires come from to begin with?). The world will not transition into some sort of paradise over night. There are many humans on this planet in this day and age and many souls on different vibrations/frequencies with different lessons to integrate. As you said, not everyone will be involved. But for the ones who are drawn deeply to it (The Rapture) know that it takes conscious work and efforts and de-programming to raise the frequency. That includes gaining Knowledge and Understanding of the (inner) Process for that raises awareness and Application of the Knowledge gained expands consciousness and connects one to one's true self, beyond the conditioned and fragmented self with all its little "I's".
What I have come to observe is that there is a select group of players (well known characters) paraded continuously before the world disseminating much of this feel good, fluff. Its a little click of individuals. I personally do not use the term "lightworker" in reference to myself as its evident that most of these so termed "lightworkers" are working in the dark and which light are they in alignment with!
What has also happened is that psychic readings became big business along with guruism. I used to do readings a number of years ago but I ended it because I did not want others hanging on to my so termed predictions and stabilizing it into there reality but rather I would like others to begin to learn to tap into their own knowingness. Another aspect of this challenge is that many people have now developed an income from all of the latest New Age hype. I have heard countless stories of people being charged various amounts for the promise of numerous levels of spiritual enlightenment, from DNA activation, clearing chackras, promise of ascension, Holy spirit blessing, past life regression, love and money etc; paying thousands of dollars. On the other hand they are supplying each other with the appropriate experience so I am merely pointing this out for anyone who might be in contemplation of such experiences in their life.
In all fairness the NAM provided an energy of potential spiritual shifts regardless of its creation by opposing forces as a path of misdirection but like all things there are two sides to a coin. We have an opportunity and an ability to extract a level of knowledge which can be applied to our evolution if we so choose to look beyond the packaged concepts being handed to us.
I have also ran into a number of people that regurgitate the same statements of this big shift for everyone in 2012 so be prepared. Its as if everyone is expected to suddenly become super charged with enlightenment. In the mean time we have a system in place that is stepping up technology in a manner which will continue to sustain and simplify the process of enslavement. From holographic projections to mind interception via brain wave alterations. When one is so far removed from selfawareness and dependent on third parties for full guidance, these are the individuals who are ripe for this kind of interception as the vibration of the consciousness will be so low that these outside interceptions will easily take over. Indeed there is nothing out there however these things will occur according to the perception and reality being stabilized by the individual.
From my current understanding I think there will actually a split happening over time, with some people "graduating" into 4D and others staying or repeating the 3D earth cycle.
You are correct! We can examine this simply based on what scientists are understanding about the nature of reality. What we are dealing with is a layering of realities, one on top of the other or the wheel within a wheel principle. What we determine as reality is indeed based on our perception and our perception is based on our consciousness/awareness so it would only seem to make sense that when the brain is minimally engaged we are only always experiencing and seeing reality according to our perception or what we can accept as a possibility. This then becomes a reflection of the vibration of ones consciousness. You can only exist in a space or realm according to the vibration of your consciousness which equates to the level of awareness at which one is vibrating. It is then clear why opposing forces would engage in supporting the limitation of many humans. It is a race for the return to ones "godself" or an awareness of who you are and the power you hold.
If everyone were to suddenly engage in this kind of awakening it would affect the entire game here and outside of here, the entire show/play/theater however we choose to refer to it; it is all of those things. (also understand that each one of us is operating on different agendas and must fulfill those obligations to the agenda what ever that may be) It is the reason why many have passed themselves off as gods to the human race ensuring that we as human beings do not for one moment remember our equality in power. So hence the church and various religions call it sacrilege to make such statements that you are "a god" "god", "creator", "source". You must then have a third party be responsible for your soul! Hence you wait for a Messiah, Lord Maitreya, Jesus, Sanada etc. (Elizabeth Clair Profit helped AAM along quite well!) To what end people! to what end! wake up and smell the joke!!
Ye are Gods! (no offense in using the word god+ I use it because it is this word that has controlled the human race ) Ye are creators!
Re: Resonance, Truth and Illusion
Admin wrote:I believe what happens is that the science of the natural progression of our planet/universe etc is generally turned into a circus by many of these groups. Although this belt of light might be occurring it has been turned into Hail bop or the heavens gate madness. Its like the excitement of seeing fire for the first time or hidden cultures on the planet being introduced to a blender or an electric can opener. So its turned into all sorts of tales being spun, as people begin to scramble either in fear or in anticipation of being caught up in the rapture.
Yet there is some validity to the rapture etc in regards to a natural vibratory progression that occurs as we shift in consciousness. Shifting in conscious has also been taken out of context. Consciousness is awareness- knowledge; becoming progressively aware of ones self as being creation itself but in chunks or small pieces. You are expanding your awareness, embracing and consciously engaging in more and more of who you really are in the grand scheme of things hence there are gradual shifts in the vibration of ones consciousness.
Yes according to the map of the cosmos viewed by the Mayans, the Dogons etc and modern day scientists there is an alignment, a line up that is expected to take place. This of course is a naturally occurring cycle every 104 thousand years according to theThis 104 thousand years cycle in our concept of time is further broken down into smaller cycles 12,500 years and so on as defined by the zodiac etc. This is all a natural evolution or graduation for the overall consciousness of the system/s (earth, universe) within which we are having our perceived experience. The observed mechanics of the system is only an echo of the movement going on at the core.observable cycles
We are however in an on going endless shift but the question it really just about the collective? The perpetuated occurrence in 2012 will leave many in a state of confusion as did the year 2000, why, because it is very possible that if such a sudden shift in consciousness did or does occur it does not mean that everyone will be involved. Many shifts are occurring around us routinely but these experiences are occurring and being observed by individuals who are in a vibrationally different space in their awareness/consciousness to engage in such experiences. The concept of the collective is not necessarily as we have been encouraged to believe. This is the reason or (resonance) why we must engage with the inner for a more expansive flow and direction. The importance of the "individualized" process is not driven home as much as the idea is focused on the collective. The individual is in truth the collective as there really is nothing out there and so as the individual shifts the reality around is then perceived differently hence bringing about a world that thenwith his/her now expanded consciousness. You may still be trulyresonatesin this world but not of it
Yes, yes! Very well said. A lot of people (a.k.a. New Agers) will be disappointed when 12/21/2012 comes around. Ascension is not what most people think it is, nor is it about "bathing" in the Photon Belt and thinking pretty things or just "manifesting one's dreams and desires"(question is where do the desires come from to begin with?). The world will not transition into some sort of paradise over night. There are many humans on this planet in this day and age and many souls on different vibrations/frequencies with different lessons to integrate. As you said, not everyone will be involved. But for the ones who are drawn deeply to it (The Rapture) know that it takes conscious work and efforts and de-programming to raise the frequency. That includes gaining Knowledge and Understanding of the (inner) Process for that raises awareness and Application of the Knowledge gained expands consciousness and connects one to one's true self, beyond the conditioned and fragmented self with all its little "I's".
From my current understanding I think there will actually a split happening over time, with some people "graduating" into 4D and others staying or repeating the 3D earth cycle. There are cycles within cycles. The choice depends on many levels but is primarily based on the Frequency Resonance Vibration of the Individual. Laura Knight-Jadczyk wrote in her book "The Secret History of the world an interesting article called The Quest for the Holy Grail and The Time of Transition
Although we're all connected and "everything is one", Ascension is very much an "individualized" process and it depends on many factors inherent in the "seeker" and it doesn't just happen by itself as people are believed through various New Age stuff. Once again in the NAM the idea of Ascension is corrupted and distorted, in purpose I may add by the forces who wish not for humanity to make the shift.
The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around; what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system, and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand; most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it. Were you listening to me Neo, or were you looking at the woman in the red dress? They will fight to protect it...
P.S. I changed my Username from Aquamantar to SpiralOut
Re: Resonance, Truth and Illusion
Admin wrote:
Aquamantar, this is such an important piece because the majority of the world is under this movement disguised in many ways all being herded into this "New Religion". Yes I agree with you some of the channeling is genuine but what was interesting is that channeling became an epidemic removing individuals from their direct potential. It became an extension of this third party, messiah type deal...humans always being programmed to believe that they cannot progress without a messiah or a third party to get them into heaven or the so termed "new earth".
I would like to get into this further and might post it elsewhere. Its a touchy subject however.
Yes, I think the developing New Age hype and right out deception is a topic that deserves some attention. Not many people and even truth seekers tackle it or they themselves get duped by it. I'm happy to have come across your writings as you address these issues in some of them as well, mostly hitting the nail on the head. That was for me one of the reasons to join this forum. I just read your piece THE ASCENSION OF THE SOUL where you point out some of the issues about Ascended Masters playing on the ego of the medium as well as the charade of Self-Help Gurus these days selling "techniques" for "attracting" so-called "abundance"(where money is mistaken for abundance).
I've been "digging down the rabbit hole" for about 15 years since I took the "red pill", working through layers of my own illusions, lies and programs, some of them I'm still working on as we all are works in progress here. However, the most striking discovery I've made over the years is the realization how subtle the deception is at times, in particular in the NAM (New Age Movement). Most of it is disinformation, but like any disinfo, it is truth mixed with lies. Baiting the seeker with some truth, but sandwich it between lies, hence he/she is being plugged into a different program that keeps them in the Matrix.
I think it is very good idea to go further into "touchy subjects" on a forum like here. That will already separate the wheat from the chaff. A good functioning network and connecting with like minded people is important these days. For any genuine truth seeker the attention should always be on truth within and without. But to find truth, one needs to see the lies and deception as well and make them conscious. In oneself and in the world. It is Awareness and Knowledge of the dark AND the light as well as understanding their interplay that leads to a higher state of consciousness/being and ultimately beyond duality and the matrix. Just focusing on either brings imbalance and many "lightworkers" are getting "eaten" or do more "damage" than any "good" because of their refusal to look at the dark or they try to change the world according to their limited subjective view of how things should be. Michael Topper wrote about the dark/light- (STS/STO) balance and the traps of "lightworkers" in his article The Positive/Negative Realms of Higher Densities
Humility and letting go of ego/Self-Importance are essential for anyone who wants to transcend the Matrix. That means to always be open for new Knowledge and Information and not holding on to any "Sacred Cows". Many people confuse their beliefs and opinions with true Knowledge. What I've found out over the years when interacting with people about deeper topics and Knowledge on forums and elsewhere is that most of them don't really "listen" and hence make conclusions too fast based on quick assumptions.
Even so-called "Spiritual Experiences" can be mere another program, even be a manipulated program from higher density beings who use humans for their own purpose. The Abduction phenomena is part of that program.
Truth is a tricky thing, for it is sometimes something we don't like to see, hear or face. Waking up is not a walk in the park with angels playing on harps in the sky which some New Age Teachings like to make us believe.
As an old esoteric saying goes:
If we only knew what Illusion is, we would then know the opposite, what Truth is. This Truth would liberate us from Slavery.
Admin wrote:On the forum that I had three years ago I had actually said that they could not post any channeled information and that it had to come directly from them and of course they knew that coming in but they started pushing the envelope. Once I reminded them of this requirement they started getting really upset and leaving so I said fine and just took it down. It was kinda funny though. It was like listening to a good ghost story or a bedtime story and they just ate it up! They loved all of that stuff because it took them away from doing some real work like going within duh! I became the bad guy Ah well we will see what happens far the vibe of the board does not allow or invite that but there is always one to test the waters Thanks so much...yes! I am not alone, there is life out there!!
Thank YOU for creating this board and doing the work you do! Seeking and speaking truth is not a popularity contest and some folks don't like to confront themselves.
In regards to channeled material, I have to say after having looked into it quite a bit over the years, wading through the New Age Swamp, I have found there are some very interesting transmissions (actually just three out of dozens) out there which I'd consider genuine and found insightful as some of it it confirms what I've found out through other non-channeled sources. There are different level of channeling, but regardless, no channeled source should ever be taken as authority or the final word. One can see them as clues and then find out for oneself if it is true or not, but sadly many New Agers follow certain channels like Gospel or even misinterpret what is being said. But in the end, it is about seeking the Knowledge within and tuning the self without dependence on external sources. I wrote about some of it in this BLOG.
Tom Montak also wrote an interesting article in that regard: Standards of Channeling
Holographic interest- Rick
Thanks for posting the link. I checked it out. He is definitely someone that I would like to interview. I will check out some more! Yes indeed!
Last edited by Knightowl on Sat Aug 08, 2009 10:52 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : FORGOT)
Guest- Guest
I believe what happens is that the science of the natural progression of our planet/universe etc is generally turned into a circus by many of these groups. Although this belt of light might be occurring it has been turned into Hail bop or the heavens gate madness. Its like the excitement of seeing fire for the first time or hidden cultures on the planet being introduced to a blender or an electric can opener. So its turned into all sorts of tales being spun, as people begin to scramble either in fear or in anticipation of being caught up in the rapture.
Yet there is some validity to the rapture etc in regards to a natural vibratory progression that occurs as we shift in consciousness. Shifting in conscious has also been taken out of context. Consciousness is awareness- knowledge; becoming progressively aware of ones self as being creation itself but in chunks or small pieces. You are expanding your awareness, embracing and consciously engaging in more and more of who you really are in the grand scheme of things hence there are gradual shifts in the vibration of ones consciousness.
Yes according to the map of the cosmos viewed by the Mayans, the Dogons etc and modern day scientists there is an alignment, a line up that is expected to take place. This of course is a naturally occurring cycle every 104 thousand years according to the
We are however in an on going endless shift but the question it really just about the collective? The perpetuated occurrence in 2012 will leave many in a state of confusion as did the year 2000, why, because it is very possible that if such a sudden shift in consciousness did or does occur it does not mean that everyone will be involved. Many shifts are occurring around us routinely but these experiences are occurring and being observed by individuals who are in a vibrationally different space in their awareness/consciousness to engage in such experiences. The concept of the collective is not necessarily as we have been encouraged to believe. This is the reason or (resonance) why we must engage with the inner for a more expansive flow and direction. The importance of the "individualized" process is not driven home as much as the idea is focused on the collective. The individual is in truth the collective as there really is nothing out there and so as the individual shifts the reality around is then perceived differently hence bringing about a world that then
Yet there is some validity to the rapture etc in regards to a natural vibratory progression that occurs as we shift in consciousness. Shifting in conscious has also been taken out of context. Consciousness is awareness- knowledge; becoming progressively aware of ones self as being creation itself but in chunks or small pieces. You are expanding your awareness, embracing and consciously engaging in more and more of who you really are in the grand scheme of things hence there are gradual shifts in the vibration of ones consciousness.
Yes according to the map of the cosmos viewed by the Mayans, the Dogons etc and modern day scientists there is an alignment, a line up that is expected to take place. This of course is a naturally occurring cycle every 104 thousand years according to the
This 104 thousand years cycle in our concept of time is further broken down into smaller cycles 12,500 years and so on as defined by the zodiac etc. This is all a natural evolution or graduation for the overall consciousness of the system/s (earth, universe) within which we are having our perceived experience. The observed mechanics of the system is only an echo of the movement going on at the core.observable cycles
We are however in an on going endless shift but the question it really just about the collective? The perpetuated occurrence in 2012 will leave many in a state of confusion as did the year 2000, why, because it is very possible that if such a sudden shift in consciousness did or does occur it does not mean that everyone will be involved. Many shifts are occurring around us routinely but these experiences are occurring and being observed by individuals who are in a vibrationally different space in their awareness/consciousness to engage in such experiences. The concept of the collective is not necessarily as we have been encouraged to believe. This is the reason or (resonance) why we must engage with the inner for a more expansive flow and direction. The importance of the "individualized" process is not driven home as much as the idea is focused on the collective. The individual is in truth the collective as there really is nothing out there and so as the individual shifts the reality around is then perceived differently hence bringing about a world that then
with his/her now expanded consciousness. You may still be trulyresonates
in this world but not of it
Last edited by Knightowl on Sat Aug 08, 2009 10:54 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : fun)
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Hehe.....the only reason why I mention the "New Age" is because it is so deceptive and just another program of the Matrix, as I said above. So I think it is good to keep pointing it out. Many people are aware of the government/NWO conspiracies and they question the mainstream media, but their critical thinking is thrown out of the window when it comes to New Age stuff or certain channeled material (some of it I think is genuine, other is deception coming form the Hyperdimensional Overloards of the Matrix). As a matter of fact, there is much COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Program) in the New Age world, priming the world for a new religion. But that's a topic on its own......
Aquamantar, this is such an important piece because the majority of the world is under this movement disguised in many ways all being herded into this "New Religion". Yes I agree with you some of the channeling is genuine but what was interesting is that channeling became an epidemic removing individuals from their direct potential. It became an extension of this third party, messiah type deal...humans always being programmed to believe that they cannot progress without a messiah or a third party to get them into heaven or the so termed "new earth".
I would like to get into this further and might post it elsewhere. Its a touchy subject however.
On the forum that I had three years ago I had actually said that they could not post any channeled information and that it had to come directly from them and of course they knew that coming in but they started pushing the envelope. Once I reminded them of this requirement they started getting really upset and leaving so I said fine and just took it down. It was kinda funny though. It was like listening to a good ghost story or a bedtime story and they just ate it up! They loved all of that stuff because it took them away from doing some real work like going within duh! I became the bad guy Ah well we will see what happens far the vibe of the board does not allow or invite that but there is always one to test the waters Thanks so much...yes! I am not alone, there is life out there!!
Last edited by Admin on Sat Aug 01, 2009 12:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
Last edited by Knightowl on Sat Aug 08, 2009 10:49 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : x)
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Re: Resonance, Truth and Illusion
Admin wrote:Truth is such a relative experience because when anyone believes in their position very strongly they will die or kill to uphold their truth. Yet to that individual it is the ultimate truth. It is gospel. It is the reason why I do not attempt to convince anyone or challenge their truth. When people or an individual is in a space where he/she is yearning for deeper knowledge and they appear at my door to engage in what I might be saying then that individual is self governing in wanting to hear what I have to say. Otherwise it falls on deaf ears of course until the individual has arisen to question the limited scope or fabric by which his/her truth hangs. Until then his/her reference point of resonance is going to be based on the limited perceptions stemming from the programming and indoctrinations exposed to over the course of his/her life.
Hi Sonia! That is so true and well said. Truth is a tricky subject, because it is very subjective to most people, especially when they don't know themselves. Your approach is very much in line with STO (Service to Others) to "only give when asked". It is best to spread some seeds of awareness without trying to push anything on anyone unless one is sincerely asking for more. It's about about being "externally considerate" and respecting free will, even if it is free will to stay ignorant. It is their choice.
The necessity for self-work and confronting oneself needs to come from oneself. The urge to seek truth in oneself and the world and act upon it has to come from oneself. No one can do it for another and no one can push another to do it, until he/she himself/herself realizes the precious times we live in, acts upon it and starts to work on him/herself. Because only if man knows himself truly is he able to "do". Before that he's just like a blind man walking in a porcelain store.
Admin wrote:Well lets not speak about the "New Age" stuff I have been speaking about that for years and I am sure there are many who thought that I was crazy...good to see I am in fine company!
Hehe.....the only reason why I mention the "New Age" is because it is so deceptive and just another program of the Matrix, as I said above. So I think it is good to keep pointing it out. Many people are aware of the government/NWO conspiracies and they question the mainstream media, but their critical thinking is thrown out of the window when it comes to New Age stuff or certain channeled material (some of it I think is genuine, other is deception coming form the Hyperdimensional Overloards of the Matrix). As a matter of fact, there is much COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Program) in the New Age world, priming the world for a new religion. But that's a topic on its own......
Admin wrote:Three years ago I had a Forum up on this site and I had to take it down. I cannot even begin to tell you what it turned into. Tons of New Agers spewing fantasy filled stories that caused great confusion to those who were truly seeking to expand. I realize that everyone is taking in what they need but for me I choose not to be a supporter of the disempowerment that was being injected into seeking minds.
That's funny. The reason why I started posting here is because this forum is still fresh and clean. I have been on other boards as well that eventually got swamped with New Agers who were posting word salad and from highly questionable sources. It was not too much disempowering but empowering the false Self and Wishful thinking.
Re: Resonance, Truth and Illusion
Knightowl wrote:
I am pleased that you have given mention to Ouspensky as in the very early days of my journey I was advised to at least read and understand the mechanics of the "4th way"
Yes, the "4th Way" (originally coined by Ouspensky's teacher G.I Gurdjieff) is a gem stone in regards to spiritual teachings. It goes straight to the core, tackling the programs, illusion and mechanical behavior of humans. If you are interested and drawn to it, I suggest getting "In Search of the Miraculous" by P.D. Ouspenksy.
The 4th Way teachings are like a synthesis of ancient esoteric knowledge as found in Esoteric Christianity (before the church corrupted it all), Sufism and Shamanism and geared towards "modern man", to do the "work" in everyday life.
Here is another excerpt in regards to the mechanical nature of humanity and Gurdjieff explains very well how evolution is only possible if there is conscious "doing". The reason why the matrix keeps us in place is because it keeps people mechanical and hence in a time loop of repetition. In the 4th way teachings the matrix is coined as "The General Law".
In Search of the Miraculous wrote:"People are machines. Machines have to be blind and unconscious, they cannot be otherwise, and all their actions have to correspond to their nature. Everything happens. No one does anything. 'Progress' and 'civilization,' in the real meaning of these words, can appear only as the result of conscious efforts. They cannot appear as the result of unconscious mechanical actions. And what conscious effort can there be in machines? And if one machine is unconscious, then a hundred machines are unconscious, and so are a thousand machines, or a hundred thousand, or a million. And the unconscious activity of a million machines must necessarily result in destruction and extermination. It is precisely in unconscious involuntary manifestations that all evil lies. You do not yet understand and cannot imagine all the results of this evil. But the time will come when you will understand."
"The evolution of man can be taken as the development in him of those powers and possibilities which never develop by themselves, that is, mechanically. Only this kind of development, only this kind of growth, marks the real evolution of man.
"In speaking of evolution it is necessary to understand from the outset that no mechanical evolution is possible. The evolution of man is the evolution of his consciousness. And 'consciousness' cannot evolve unconsciously. The evolution of man is the evolution of his will, and 'will' cannot evolve involuntarily. The evolution, of man is the evolution of his power of doing, and 'doing' cannot be the result of things which 'happen.'
"People do not know what man is. They have to do with a very complex machine, far more complex than a railway engine, a motorcar, or an aeroplane—but they know nothing, or almost nothing, about the construction, working, or possibilities of this machine; they do not even understand its simplest functions, because they do not know the purpose of these functions.
"You often think in a very naive way," Gurdjieff said. "You already think you can do. To get rid of this conviction is more difficult than anything else for a man. You do not understand all the complexity of your organization and you do not realize that every effort, in addition to the results desired, even if it gives these, gives thousands of unexpected and often undesirable results, and the chief thing that you forget is that you are not beginning from the beginning with a nice clean, new machine. There stand behind you many years of a wrong and stupid life, of indulgence in every kind of weakness, of shutting your eyes to your own errors, of striving to avoid all unpleasant truths, of constant lying to yourselves, of self-justification, of blaming others, and so on, and so on. All this cannot help affecting the machine. The machine is dirty, in places it is rusty, and in some places artificial appliances have been formed, the necessity for which has been created by its own wrong way of working. These artificial appliances will now interfere very much with all your good intentions. They are called 'buffers.'"
As we can see people have all kinds of buffers or or "Unconscious Self-Defense Mechanisms" as I call them, shutting one off from objective truth (lying to oneself) and re-enforcing/justifying illusions. Buffers are also big in the New Age arena, where certain teachings (based on pseudo spirituality) act as Buffers and actually give power to the false self, rather than cutting through the lies and deceptions and connecting to the real "I". In that way people who think they are awake, because they read a couple of "spiritual" books, meditate on the merkarba or just focus on "positive" and "happy" thoughts delude themselves. They dream of being awake, but they are still asleep, plugged into a different program of the Matrix.
Knightowl wrote:If one is not "Self aware" of oneself how can you become aware of what is around you. To be asleep /blind is like being on autopilot.
Very true, without Self-Knowledge there is no awakening and before one can awake, one needs to make the shadow/dark conscious and confront one's buffers and conditioning. That is the true meaning of light work, to shine light into dark and make it conscious. Just like Gurdjeff said, the main error most people make is that they think they can "do" already, yet they don't even see the lies they tell themselves to comfort them and to make themselves feel better. They don't know themselves, don't know their "machine".
In regards to "resonating" that's where the trap snaps, because many people judge the "truth" of something because it makes them feel "warm and fuzzy" when they read something. But if it is something that irritates them or may question one of their "sacred cows" (dogmatic beliefs) they dismiss it right away, without taking into account that they are acting mechanically under the spell of the Matrix, not rocking the boat so to speak, being lured back to sleep. What is presented and sold as "Spirituality" these days are mere sleeping pills, but they are clever ones, because they make people believe they are awake, while they are deep in sleep. The New Age Movement is in many ways just another program of the Matrix. It has the same "code" as any other fundamental religion. It is based on subjective blind belief, emotional attachment, at times guru/savior worship ( "Jesus will save us" is being replaced by "Aliens will save us"), and the belief that one is "better" than the one's who have not "awaken" yet. BIG EGOS in the New Age Arena. Ultimately it's just like re-arranging the furniture in the prison, but not breaking "out" of it or transcending it.
That is not to say, that all messages that make one feel good are always deceptive. No, but the devil, as always is in the detail. Discernment and critical thinking should not be replaced by emotions which can easily be manipulated. Politicians know how to play that game and the recent Obama hype at the elections was a great example for emotional manipulation. In the end it is all about buffers:
In Search of the Miraculous wrote:'Buffers' are created slowly and gradually. Very many 'buffers' are created artificially through 'education.' Others are created under the hypnotic influence of all surrounding life. A man is surrounded by people who live, speak, think, and feel by means of 'buffers.' Imitating them in their opinions, actions, and words, a man involuntarily creates similar 'buffers' in himself. 'Buffers' make a man's life more easy. It is very hard to live without 'buffers.' But they keep man from the possibility of inner development because 'buffers' are made to lessen shocks and it is only shocks that can lead a man out of the state in which he lives, that is, waken him. 'Buffers' lull a man to sleep, give him the agreeable and peaceful sensation that all will be well, that no contradictions exist and that he can sleep in peace. 'Buffers' are appliances by means of -which a man can always be in the right. 'Buffers' help a man not to feel his conscience.
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