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What does the concept of Reality mean to you

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What does the concept of Reality mean to you Empty What does the concept of Reality mean to you

Post  Admin Thu Jul 23, 2009 9:09 am

It is interesting to hear the many views on what the word "reality" means to the individual. In my book The Holographic Canvas. I explore and explain it from my perspective as it relates to the word "real" and "realm" . What does it mean to you.

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What does the concept of Reality mean to you Empty Regarding the notion of reality

Post  dion thompson Thu Mar 28, 2013 1:51 pm

Reality to me is but a perception as one percieves it to be. It's a game that noone sees the same. A perception is an imagination ...so is your reality a figment of your imagination?

dion thompson

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What does the concept of Reality mean to you Empty Re: What does the concept of Reality mean to you

Post  dion thompson Thu Mar 28, 2013 1:56 pm

It's fascinating to think thata thought is determined by the amount of chemical and electrical impulses going throught a certain stan of cells throughout the brain. But we all know there's even more behind that door.

dion thompson

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Age : 58
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